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Monday, July 23, 2012

Corporate Wellness Checklist

Corporate Wellness Checklist

1) Health and Wellenss screenings:  You cannot fix a problem if you do not know you have one! As a company, you must budget for your employees to have access to health screenings.  Positive rewards for completing screenings can encourage employees to utilize them.  Early detection of high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease can lead to more productivity and less health related absences. go So promote a corporate environment of employee health awareness!!!

2) Hire a Corporate Wellness Coach! The impact of a coach bringing a wellness program to your organization is huge and Fit Life,LLC does just that.  The expertise in different facets of coaching (i.e. seminars, fit camps, and challenges and in depth understanding of employee engagement results in increased excitement and participation in Corporate Wellness Programs.

3) Sign up for Fit Life Transformation Challenge on September 1.  This is the ultimate showing of your company's devotion to wellness and employee comraderie.   It is time to take responsibility for your health and now you can trasform your life with motivation and a program. Email me now to get more info.

4) Promote the Fit Life!!!  The company should always think "Fit Life 5" principles.   5 workouts per week and 5 healthy meals per day. When ordering lunches or planning meetings, always understand it should be done in a healthy way.  Vending machines should offer healthy options and not just honey buns and donut sticks.  This can drastically change the health and wellness of your company.

5) Start today!!!  If you want more info on how your company can promote health within their organization contact Coach Brian today for a Corporate Health Evaluation.

Your Coach Always,

Coach Brian

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