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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Free Enterprise Made America Fat!

Yes free enterprise is the reason why America is Fat. That Awesome Free Enterprise System that allows anyone to be an entrepreneur and build a fortune has made it easy and the status quo to live the Fat Life! Why?

1) Those smart food entrepreneurs found ways to keep cost down and increase taste and make more revenue by using less healthy products. Products like high fructose corn syrup, MSG, and food additives has gotten them wealthy and America Unhealthy.

2) The old thinking of eating Breakfast, lunch, and Dinner was actually derived from the eight hour work day. It was actually before work, during work, then after work.  The body needs a more consistent eating pattern but our old fashioned eight hour work week does not allow that many breaks.  But small changes in thinking is your solution.

3) "Work is too Stressful and I do not have enough time to workout" An excuse that I hear way to often but it is derived from the amount of stress placed on individuals from the Employer to meet revenue expectations and adhere to budgets.  But stress relief and Healthy Living i.e. Fit Life is the solution.

Fit Life's Employee Health program focuses on the Healthy Employee and their benefit to the Company.  Fit Life is you Solution to Health and Wellness!


Acadiana's Fitness Coach

Coach Brian Broussard

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