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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Are you giving me your best?

Your Best? This is just a quick little nugget for you to think about.

What is the definition? Best is of the most excellent, effective, or desirable type or quality.

My son came to me and asked me, What happens if I get an F in class?  Wow what I time to teach a lesson.  I answered if you get an F in class then I will be very disappointed because I know that you did not do your best, you did not give me your best.  My next statement I actually learned something.  God has put you on this world to give your best, also he has blessed you with two intelligent parents so you are genetically predisposed to be intelligent. (Tooting my own horn there). Then I asked him for one thing, HIS BEST.


Then I thought, If i give my best, I cannot fail. So now I ask you, are you giving your best?

Declaration of the day. If I give my best, I cannot Fail! I will give my best today and everyday!

And i will tell you, GOD has given you the ability to be your best.  To do more than what you are doing right now, and it is time that you realize it.

Now question, "Your best to what goal?"  Life, Work, Family, Fitness!

If you don't have a goal, you need a game plan, you need a Coach.

I am totally willing and able to help you, but you have to contact me so that we can make it to the next step


Coach Brian

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