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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Summer Body 2014: Don't Let you stop YOU!


As you know I have taken the big leap into entrepreneurship by opening Fit Life, LLC.  Now Is when the fun starts.  But as I was writing my business plan last October I started on the Competitive Analysis part of the Marketing Plan and as I was writing about my "Competition" I remember a quote from a successful business man that was told to me about three years ago.  "I only have one Competitor and I look Him in the Mirror every morning, I tell him that he will be defeated every morning."  Wow! That still resonates with me especially now that I have opened my own business.  Its more about what you do and less about what someone else does.

Now about YOU!  The only competitor in Fitness is looking you in the mirror.  You are the reason that you will get results, you are the reason that you will look great this Summer, you are the reason that you will quit, You are the reason that you will Fail.  Now that we understand that, what are we going to do about it.  Guess what? Summer is coming, are you giving your Fit Life all you have to give.  Can you give more effort?  What is going to be?

Life is about Choices, Fit Life is about ACTION!

Acadiana's Fitness Coach,

Coach Brian Broussard

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