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Tuesday, October 13, 2015


By: Kim Broussard
1.      When you were diagnosed with Breast Cancer, at which stage, and how long have you been in remission?  I was 51 years old when I was diagnosed with Stage II Breast Cancer and I have been in remission for 2 years.

2.      How has Fit Life aided in your journey to recovery? Fit Life has helped me to push forward and not look back.  I was working out at Fit Life and received a lot of support from my friends and Coach Brian.  The evening before my 11 hour double mastectomy, I received a video from Coach Brian and my friends from Fit Life encouraging me and telling me that they knew I was going to get through it.  I also received my biggest flower arrangement from Coach Brian while I was in recovery!

3.       What was your level of fitness prior to your diagnosis and how did it either empower you or hinder you during the treatment and recovery phase?  I was in really good shape when I was diagnosed.  I had been doing Brian’s Boot-camp for 3 years.  I recovered easily from an 11 hour surgery

4.      What was your biggest fear of a breast cancer diagnosis and how did you cope with it?  The biggest fear that I had was of the unknown.  How bad was it?  Could I be cured?  How would I handle the 4 surgeries and 8 rounds of chemo?  I tried to stay positive and I prayed a lot.

5.       Biggest blessings that you received throughout your journey with breast cancer and who was your biggest supporter?  My biggest blessings were a deeper faith in God and the tremendous amount of love and support I got from my friends and family.  They carried me through it.

6.      What is the most positive, healthy change you have made in your life since your diagnosis? Well, I don’t take being healthy and feeling good for granted.  I try to exercise as much as I can and eat healthy.

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