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Monday, December 28, 2015


SHUT UP!  Seriously SHUT UP!

Don't Say Nothing and Listen!

YOU ARE WHERE YOU ARE!  Your body and mind is where it is but that is not where it is going to be because you will change.  Things will get better or worse but they will NOT stay the same. Good News is that it is YOUR CHOICE! You can do nothing and things get worse you you can do something and improve your Life!  2016 CROSSROADS!

YOU CAN DO BETTER!  I don't care where you are or what you have been doing, you can do better.  You can pursue perfection, you can get to the Next Level.  But you have to Shut Up and Do It!

REASONS WHY YOU CANT! - There are many reasons you can use to not do it- But you will Shut Up and Listen to ME not YOU!  Now it is time to Listen!  You are going to commit to making changes in your life in order to get stronger and healthier - YOU ARE IN CONTROL!

GUESS WHAT - IF YOU DO NOTHING - IT GETS WORSE.  At this point you may not listen and you will sit and do nothing but It will get worse. You will get weaker and Fatter - sorry that is life but you don't have to live that life, you choose to live that life!  If you want more, it is right there for you but you have to SHUT UP AND LISTEN!    Don't worry I am in the same boat, in 2016 I am following my own advice to SHUT UP AND LISTEN! I have my own coaches and mentors to SHUT UP and LISTEN TO!


  "It does not matter where you are, the only thing that matter is where you are going?"  

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