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Friday, June 16, 2017

You are too old NOT to work out!

Image result for age is nothing but a number

In my fitness career there has always been a group of people who use age as a restriction to ability. There are many reasons why age is not a factor and it is the exact reason why you need to live the Fit Life.  Why does age not matter?

1) Age is just a Number. Is it just a number, the level of ability depending on your age is in your mind.  There is always people you prove this: just go to any local marathon.  There are always people you do not allow their age to determine their limitations.  What is a 40 year old suppose to be able to do?  Whatever that 40 year old trains himself to do.  Yes it is true there will be some limitations when comparing to the potential ability of a 20 year old but if not comparing the 40 year old or 50 year old 0r even 60 year old limitations lie in his/her own Mind.  Get out of your Own Way!

2) Age is totally relative!  Then I was 29 a 38 year old told me that I was sooo Young and now that I am 38, 35 year olds tell me I am Soooo Young.  It is totally relative so Just Do it.  Move then Don't stop Moving.

So of course we all should be living the Fit Life but after you past 35 year of age; every year you don't exercise you lose functional ability and muscle.  Ultimately you make it to 40- 45 and realize that you are overweight and now the doctor is reporting that you are borderline disease ridden.  High Blood Pressure, Diabetic, Heart Disease are the usual Suspects!  At this point what do you do, LIVE the FIT LIFE!  The Fit Life is going lessen symptoms if not Cure these conditions.  This is your Fountain of Youth, this is your chance to take control.  Stop Making Excuses and Start your Fit Life and Lessen the chances of losing control.

"It's Never TOO Late but the BEST Time to Start Is NOW!"
- Coach Brian

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