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Thursday, December 26, 2019

4 Tips to Fit Life Success in 2020!

1) Just Do It!

I know this slogan is used way too often but that is because it is just very appropriate in Life.  Many people have thoughts about exercising and eating "right" multiples times per year but never act on those thoughts.  Many people know how to eat or know they are suppose to exercise but do not take action.  One of my favorite quotes are:

"It's never too late to START; but the best time is NOW!"

This is a Great time to turn your thoughts into ACTION!  You want to live the Fit Life; You want the Benefits of the Fit Life, IT IS TIME TO START!

2) Get a Plan, or a Coach, Or BOTH!

PLAN AND ACCOUNTABILITY can increase your chance for Success by up to 95%!!!  WHAT? 95% better chance for Success.  Fitness plans work; Coaches work; together its a Combo for SUCCESS!  When I see people go out and buy a treadmill; I sure hope their plan is not to just start the treadmill and walk daily because that has not worked for so many.  I actually would buy someone an online exercise subscription or a bunch of exercise videos instead.  At least you are following a guided program that was designed to get results!  Ultimately, you need a plan to follow that includes weekly frequency of exercise, daily exercise plan and GOALS!  The next great part of Success Formula is weekly accountability sessions.  Need someone to Keep you on the Path of Success.
Remember, this will increase your chances of Success by Up to 95%.

3) Phone a Friend.

This popular phrase from a Hit TV Show if perfect for starting a program.  Having a partner or group also increases chances of Fit Life Success.  Why... because Misery loves company.  I said it: Misery.  Lifestyle Change can be miserable and having a group to assure you that what you are going through is not personal helps you get over these Hurdle.  Find a Group; Get a Partner for Continued success!


All of the fitness ads talk about easy and quick ways to get fit or lose weight; but when you ask someone who has had success, they have worked hard, and gotten over some hurdles before actually achieving success. The secret to Fitness is to constantly challenge yourself.  A challenge is something that is not easy!  If it is easy, it is not a challenge; if it is not a challenge, it may not result in a change! The Secret to Fitness is to WORK!  Do WORK on a Consistent Basis and Success will FOLLOW!  

There you go: 4 tips to Fit Life Success in 2020!   If you are unsure about what action to Take, that is totally normal: just GET A COACH!  Did you know?  90% of all celebrities that society commends for great bodies have a Fitness Coach!  100% of all Athletes that are playing at the top of their Game has a Strength and Conditioning Coach!  But you believe that you are going to jump into fitness, learn everything you need to learn, have the determination to get past the hurdles without a Coach?   

Fit Life is taking new clients for 2020.  If you are ready to live the Fit Life, click and lets get started!

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