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Monday, December 3, 2012

I can SHOW You how to win the lottery!!!

Ok, so there was a winner of the powerball lottery last week.  This family collected a check for $293 million.  Wow, that's a serious game changer.  But it took some ACTION to win that lottery.  You had to buy a ticket.  One $2 ticket that gave you a ridiculously long shot chance at winning a lot of money.  Millions of people have bought a ticket and only a few people reaped a benefit of winning.  So my advice to winning the Powerball lottery is to buy a ticket but your chances are not good. Good News: I can show you how to win the Fit Life Fitness Lottery and reap extended reward and benefit.

People in YOUR Community Has Won:

Becky has won the Fit Life Fitness Lottery loosing 50 lbs since January.

Carlas has won the Fit Life Fitness Lottery loosing 27 lbs since April.

David has won the Fit Life Fitness Lottery loosing 30 lbs and down two pants sizes.

Casey has won the Fit Life Fitness Lottery by dropping his cholesterol over 80 pts.

Annete has won the Fit Life Fitness Lottery by loosing 10 lbs and now controlling her Diabetes. 

How did they do it?  Action! They took small action steps on a daily basis and changed their lives.  WOW. And these are huge game changers.  Becky can now play with her grandchildren on the floor.  That seems small until you can't.  This is your chance.  If you have Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, or you are considered Obese, your lottery winnings is LIFE!!! This IS your Opportunity to Win the Lottery.  Now if you don't think you need these winnings but there is someone who you know needs it, this is the season of giving.  Give the Lottery Jackpot to someone else. Fit Life Gift Certificates are available!

Your coach Always,

Coach Brian

Monday, October 22, 2012

Break the Coach! Is your Reason Good enough?

As I take a break between training sessions, I think about me clients, both the clients that are presently in Camp or Training and then the past clients that I have not seen before and wonder Why Fitness?

Why do some of my clients walk the extra mile and Do More while others don't?  What is the difference between the two?  What make people live the Fit Life?

Fit Life is EXERCISE 5 X per Week and EAT 5 X per DAY!!!
Crossfit lives the Fit Life!!!
Weight Watchers live the Fit Life!!!
Dr. Oz promotes the Fit Life Everyday on his show!!!
Jared from Subway lose his weight living the Fit Life!!!

The only resaon you don't live the Fit Life is because you Don't want to.  Stop thinking about how you Can't and DO IT!!! You will look better and feel better if you do IT!!!

Challenge of the Day!!!  Post and tell me why you can't workout so I can eliminate your excuse and tell you how you can!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hurricane Workout

Ok We are all trapped inside for Issac on Wednedsay August 29. This is your workout.  Pull out your stopwatch and do this as fast as possible with awesome technique of course.

25 Squat Jumps
25 Push Ups
25 Overhead Lunges
25 Sit Ups
25 Leg Lifts

and we are doing 4 sets for a total of 500 reps.

Hope you have a great and safe Hurrication.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Corporate Wellness Checklist

Corporate Wellness Checklist

1) Health and Wellenss screenings:  You cannot fix a problem if you do not know you have one! As a company, you must budget for your employees to have access to health screenings.  Positive rewards for completing screenings can encourage employees to utilize them.  Early detection of high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease can lead to more productivity and less health related absences. go So promote a corporate environment of employee health awareness!!!

2) Hire a Corporate Wellness Coach! The impact of a coach bringing a wellness program to your organization is huge and Fit Life,LLC does just that.  The expertise in different facets of coaching (i.e. seminars, fit camps, and challenges and in depth understanding of employee engagement results in increased excitement and participation in Corporate Wellness Programs.

3) Sign up for Fit Life Transformation Challenge on September 1.  This is the ultimate showing of your company's devotion to wellness and employee comraderie.   It is time to take responsibility for your health and now you can trasform your life with motivation and a program. Email me now to get more info.

4) Promote the Fit Life!!!  The company should always think "Fit Life 5" principles.   5 workouts per week and 5 healthy meals per day. When ordering lunches or planning meetings, always understand it should be done in a healthy way.  Vending machines should offer healthy options and not just honey buns and donut sticks.  This can drastically change the health and wellness of your company.

5) Start today!!!  If you want more info on how your company can promote health within their organization contact Coach Brian today for a Corporate Health Evaluation.

Your Coach Always,

Coach Brian

Family Fitness Checklist

Family Fitness Checklist

1) Incorporate Fit Life 5 Principles.  5 days per week workout/activity (at least 30 minutes)  5 meals per day eating with a  healthy conscience.  Live the FIT LIFE!!!

2) Go play with the kids.  Sports are always great to play with kids just make sure it stays fun.  Don't be overcritical or correct too much during play time.  Sometimes a simple game like Simon Says, Freeze Tag, or Hide-and-Go Seek can be more fun than other organized sports.  like nike says,JUST DO IT!!!

3) Parents: Don't talk about it, Be about it!!!   We all know kids don't do what we say, but they will do what we do.  They will mimic your actions.  They talk like you, they look like you, eventually they will act like you, so be a great example.  If you exercise they are more likely to exercise.  If you eat with a healthy conscience, they are also more likely to follow. Yes its true.

4) Get a Fitness Coach.  Hire a fitness coach to train the family as a group.  Coaches bring unique ideas about fun and fitness which enables the family to be more receptive to fitness.  Contact me now for more info on Family Fitness Coaching.

5) Sign up for a 5k or organized bike ride.   Families usually have more fun at these events because of the atmosphere. If you have smaller kids, look for the one mile fun run.  Set attainable goals as a family to accomplish.

Your coach Always,

Coach Brian