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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Free Enterprise Made America Fat!

Yes free enterprise is the reason why America is Fat. That Awesome Free Enterprise System that allows anyone to be an entrepreneur and build a fortune has made it easy and the status quo to live the Fat Life! Why?

1) Those smart food entrepreneurs found ways to keep cost down and increase taste and make more revenue by using less healthy products. Products like high fructose corn syrup, MSG, and food additives has gotten them wealthy and America Unhealthy.

2) The old thinking of eating Breakfast, lunch, and Dinner was actually derived from the eight hour work day. It was actually before work, during work, then after work.  The body needs a more consistent eating pattern but our old fashioned eight hour work week does not allow that many breaks.  But small changes in thinking is your solution.

3) "Work is too Stressful and I do not have enough time to workout" An excuse that I hear way to often but it is derived from the amount of stress placed on individuals from the Employer to meet revenue expectations and adhere to budgets.  But stress relief and Healthy Living i.e. Fit Life is the solution.

Fit Life's Employee Health program focuses on the Healthy Employee and their benefit to the Company.  Fit Life is you Solution to Health and Wellness!


Acadiana's Fitness Coach

Coach Brian Broussard

Monday, May 12, 2014

YOU are in the same postion as Johnny Football!

Everyone was paying attention to the NFL Draft to see where Johnny Football was going to be bringing his talents.  Of course everyone knew about Clowney and the first pick.  But this weekend does not mean much because they still have to go and perform.  They have to fulfill their "POTENTIAL".  They don't want to be the next Jemarcus Russell. They have to be disciplined and put in the work to become better versions of themselves.  Well I see you in the same situation.  Are you fulfilling your potential? What potential do you ask? I am sure you are thinking I am not football player, what potential are you talking about?

I am a Coach so I always think about Potential.  I know that if you live the Fit Life, Exercise 5 times per week and Eat 5 times per day you will fell better than if you live the FAT Life.  Is your body able to handle the load of life efficiently?  Are you having physical limitations or feeling heavy?  Are you dealing with sickness and sluggishness?  What in your life can you change? 

If you are not exercising you are not reaching your full potential.  If you are eating high fat and high sugar foods your body is not using optimum fuel. I you are skipping breakfast you are not at full potential.  So if Johnny Football bombs in the NFL, then the country will be talking about his lack of discipline and perseverance but no one is there to tell you that you failed when you gain 30 lbs but truth is you are failing, you are not at Full potential.  Your family deserves your full potential.  Start harnessing your full potential TODAY!

Coach Brian's mission is to EDUCATE and EMPOWER the Busy Professional and Family to achieve the FIT LIFE, as a result Feel Great and Look Great! 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Summer Body 2014: Don't Let you stop YOU!


As you know I have taken the big leap into entrepreneurship by opening Fit Life, LLC.  Now Is when the fun starts.  But as I was writing my business plan last October I started on the Competitive Analysis part of the Marketing Plan and as I was writing about my "Competition" I remember a quote from a successful business man that was told to me about three years ago.  "I only have one Competitor and I look Him in the Mirror every morning, I tell him that he will be defeated every morning."  Wow! That still resonates with me especially now that I have opened my own business.  Its more about what you do and less about what someone else does.

Now about YOU!  The only competitor in Fitness is looking you in the mirror.  You are the reason that you will get results, you are the reason that you will look great this Summer, you are the reason that you will quit, You are the reason that you will Fail.  Now that we understand that, what are we going to do about it.  Guess what? Summer is coming, are you giving your Fit Life all you have to give.  Can you give more effort?  What is going to be?

Life is about Choices, Fit Life is about ACTION!

Acadiana's Fitness Coach,

Coach Brian Broussard

Monday, March 17, 2014

Summer Body 2014: Confidence is your friend!

Of all the benefits of exercise and this crazy Fit Life that I preach, the most rewarding is CONFIDENCE!

But where does it come from: if you do not workout then you don't know; but if you live the fit life and workout regularly you know that confidence come from Hard Work.  With every workout an accomplishment in life happens.  On The Biggest Loser the contestants confidence increases not only because they look different but also because they understand the amount of work it took and that they deserved it. They deserved their new Body!  At this point, they are entitled to that new body!

DESERVE VICTORY! was my college football slogan but what I had no clue what that means until now. Everyday after my workout I feel better, I feel stronger, I feel more confident because I have Accomplished My Goal, which is my workout!  With the workout you become better, Fit Life is the way to YOUR BEST BODY!


Acadiana's Fitness Coach

Coach Brian Broussard

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Commit to be FIT!

I have been training for over ten year now so i guess I am now a veteran with experience.  That kind of makes me feel old.  I have done one on one training, small group personal training and large boot camp training and what I realize there is not one solution for all.  Some people work well in group and some are better in a private setting.  Some like huge fitness centers and some are great at a very small facility.  Some workout at 5 am and some at 10 pm.  But in all my experience what I realize is goals are reached and results are achieved when that particular person find their particular lifestyle. I challenge you to find out what is for you!  If you are living the Fat Life right now, try my Fit Life Approach but be careful it might just work.  Not sure if you can handle fit life, you know that felling of Looking great, feeling great and getting excited about fitting clothes again!  It is your choice at your time.  Ultimately its your choice, but remember Memorial Day and Warm weather is coming quick, so now is your time to choose: Fit Life or Fat Life!

Fit Life has a mission to Engage, Educate, and Empower YOU to change your lifestyle.  With programs like Coach Brian's Boot Camp and Fit Life Health and Wellness, I want to give you all of the tools to not only make the change to the Fit Life but also to enjoy and embrace the changes.  With my expansion to Opelousas and also I am happy to announce the Corporate division is expanding as well.

Acadiana's Fitness Coach,

Coach Brian Broussard

Friday, January 3, 2014

LSU potential!

Yesterday LSU got a commitment from the number 1 recruit in the nation Leonard Fournette. I have had the pleasure of being around this fellow purple knight and he really is a kid that has tremendous potential and should not have any problems. But we are all excited about his POTENTIAL and it would be a waste if he did not do everything in his power to take advantage.

That is how I feel about you! Are u living up to your potential?  Can you be working harder or doing more to attain more fitness success?

Guess what?  His path to greatness and yours are similar. For him it takes hard work and determination both in the weight room and eating correctly. He has to live a lifestyle with a goal and a purpose. It will also take a presence of a coach to reach full potential.  For you the same, it will take the Fit Life. Have a consistent regimen of healthy exercise and eating, with a coach teaching and motivating you throughout the way. It is your time!

What is stopping you from losing weight, getting stronger and reaching your potential? If you are not exercising and eating clean (I.e. living the Fit Life), you are not living up to your full potential.  You have natural energy stores that are not being accessed. Your confidence is nowhere near where it could be! Seriously,  Fit Life can change your life!

So now what do you do. Join the Fit Life family and let Fit Life coach you to your full potential!

Your Fit Life Coach,

Coach Brian

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Are you giving me your best?

Your Best? This is just a quick little nugget for you to think about.

What is the definition? Best is of the most excellent, effective, or desirable type or quality.

My son came to me and asked me, What happens if I get an F in class?  Wow what I time to teach a lesson.  I answered if you get an F in class then I will be very disappointed because I know that you did not do your best, you did not give me your best.  My next statement I actually learned something.  God has put you on this world to give your best, also he has blessed you with two intelligent parents so you are genetically predisposed to be intelligent. (Tooting my own horn there). Then I asked him for one thing, HIS BEST.


Then I thought, If i give my best, I cannot fail. So now I ask you, are you giving your best?

Declaration of the day. If I give my best, I cannot Fail! I will give my best today and everyday!

And i will tell you, GOD has given you the ability to be your best.  To do more than what you are doing right now, and it is time that you realize it.

Now question, "Your best to what goal?"  Life, Work, Family, Fitness!

If you don't have a goal, you need a game plan, you need a Coach.

I am totally willing and able to help you, but you have to contact me so that we can make it to the next step


Coach Brian